Report on Bills SB1455 and HB2023
SB1455 The parent/student opt out bill
This bill has FAILED in the senate 3rd reading 11-18-1. It failed because 7 Republicans joined all Democrats in voting against it. The 7 Republicans were Kavanagh, Pierce, Driggs, Lesko, Begay, Dial, Worsley.
You may be well advised to remember these senators’ votes when they request your assistance with their reelection.
HB2023 The bill aimed at reducing ballot harvesting
This bill is still in play and it may come up for senate votes this week. THE RTS COMMENTS ON THIS BILL HAVE BEEN RUNNING ABOUT 40% FOR AND 60% AGAINST. If we expect senators to vote in favor of this important bill, we have to do a lot better than we have been doing so far. Clearly the other side is cleaning our clock on this. But there is still time. It is still scheduled for a Rules committee hearing, which means RTS comments are still allowed. This is the action that we are recommending:
- First, make up your mind that the issue of ballot harvesting is important to you. Then…
- Call, e-mail, or fax every senator, requesting a YES vote on HB2023
- Encourage everyone you know to do the same
A recent article on the Arizona Daily Independent provides ample evidence of the exposure to potential mischief that results when voters surrender their ballots to people other than postal or elections personnel. To read this article, go to
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